Thursday, March 29, 2012

elman dh pandai ape?

kalo blk kg jmp akk2, ipa ke, kwn2 soklan femes tau..almaklumlah the first year baby growth ni mmg interesting..hehe

jum mummy quick update psal elman..erm elman dh pndai langkah setapak 2 while berdiri smbil pgg meje/kusi! so happy u know! work hard oke cayangg :)

bile dh lasak cm gini, satu ari mesti ade jek terhantik sane sni sbb elman ni mmg xmo dok diam..hyper tau!tgh2 dukong die leh pnjat bdan mummy..pengsan!

and elman dh pndai main cu cak...mummy suke gile tgk reaction elman bile papa die kejutkn die..kemain suke and konon2 cam takot nnt cpt2 pegi kt mummy..terjerit2..suke3!


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