hahaha..entry kali ni terlebih mood sbb hepy gilak!nak tau nape?mummy dh beli blender tok sediakan mknn elman...ni die ha..tadaaaaa
biase jek..mmg ler tp puas ati...sbb dh lame nk beli tp dok tangguh sbb berpk..remember yg ade option2 tu..actly mummy xpon g beli lg after tht...sbb ade few prob iaitu kt umah ni mummy dh beli beli blender philips mse bujang, tp xde grinder yg kering tu...so pk kalo beli mini blender avent tu, mummy stil dont have grinder tu...then kalo nk beli blender biase, besa sgt, xsesuai nk blend bubur dlm qty yg sikit...
dan akhirnye xsia2 mummy xbeli2 lg kn...ade hikmah rupenye..tgh ari td time lunch g jln2 kt jusco..niat nk carik grinder philips saje (wpn tau mmg xdek!)...hahaha...tibe2.....ade new mini blender frm philips!siap ade grinder and chopper lg!mmg hepy sgt2 lah...harge pon masih boleh diterima akal la...lbh krg harge ngn mini blender avent tu bile sale je...
maka, blk keje terus g jusco blk (mentang2 jusco tu 5min jek dr opis kan!)...terus la berangan nk beli tu..tbe2 papa plak pesan belikn walker elman..(what?elman dh ade walker?!o yeah...)...maka berbelanje la mummy wpn belom gaji....hahhaha...
beli sweet cherry jek pon...ni pon ade sale..hehe..elman sgt hepi k ngn all the 'gadjet' and musical sound tu...tp mummy xsmpt nk snap mse die dok dlm ni...dh kelam kabut td...hehehe
okla..yg pntg arini puas ati sgt2 dpt beli 2 brg ni wpn mcm org gile sopink sorg2 tolak troli besau bwk walker ni ok...haha..dh ler xbwk kad jusco, parking kne baya, then xde duit pecah..buat muke xmalu mntk tuka ngn org blkg, last2 die bg singgit!hahaha...malu2...mekaseh ye encik..seb baek bini die sporting!ahaha
ok bai!
1 year ago
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